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save the date Tag

1. Finding Your Writing Voice Really great tips on how to write a blog (and not sound like a robot). Favorite tip: write as if talking to a friend. So obvious and simple yet something I have never thought to do. Read more on Sarah Von Bargen's blog. 2. Barclay Christmas Infographic I just love love love the mix of the handwritten with a modern design, but handwritten mixed with food photography? Challenge accepted! (anyone else catching up on HIMYM Season 7 right now??) Designed by Gonzalo Azores, found via Good Design Makes Me Happy. 3.  Let's Go Camping Poster Thanks to Allan Peter's well curated blog, I have found a new favorite designer/illustrator! The best part is, Basemint is on Etsy! My favorite print so far is Let's Go Camping poster! It's green (check!), it's natural elements illustrated (check!), and there's random scraps of typography (check!). Did I mention they have a store?? 4. Megan + Mike’s Seaside Photo Save the Dates Here's another clever Save the Date! This time, Nichole at Coral Pheasant, created this unique design. Each Save the Date came with two separate pieces, a photo trifold and a note about the upcoming wedding festivities. To house these two different items, the envelope was sewn