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Eleven Month Old Isaiah

You are growing up so fast! I keep mourning this fact but really each and every day brings so many fun surprises! You have such a funny personality, full of so many sweet little quirks that bring me so much joy! One of which is this new “stink” face that you give out way too often and at the funniest of times. Your little gummy smile still melts my heart though! Seriously, I become one big mushy mess when you give me that giant open mouth smile that lights up your whole face.

Poor little guy with his puffy eyes had a cold on Easter

Big milestone moment!! You took your first steps! I was so afraid I would miss this moment in your life. You’ve been on the verge for so long but you spend so much time with your grandparents, that I was so terrified I’d miss THE moment. So I’m ever so thankful for being the one you took those first steps to. I’m so proud of you sweet boy. I feel like you are going to do big things in your life (what mama does feel this way?!) and I am so excited to be cheering you on all along the way.

Of course, that same night, watching you let go of my hand to walk away from me led to moments of intense emotion. After you’ve clamored for my hands to help you walk, you soon won’t need them at all anymore. It’s led me to really cherish the moments where you truly are still my baby. Like during the middle of the night feedings and when you need extra help falling asleep. I’ve definitely rocked you to sleep more this past month than I have for the past several combined. I constantly feel like my baby is slipping away but I’m truly loving this big kid stage you’re entering.

You have a series of “tricks” that you do. I think we may have asked you to do them to many times because now if we start with singing “if you’re happy and you know it…” you will clap your hands, then show up where your ears are and then tilt your head to the side in the cutest little way.

You LOVE to eat. I don’t even know if I have ever really seen you get full yet! You have loved every meat we have put in front of you… starting with your dad’s Texas style pulled pork but you love his brisket too! With chicken not far behind those. It looks like you eat super fast, but you’re really just storing it all in your cheeks and then picking up another bite before you’re really done with the last one.

You still love to walk while holding our hands. And you can walk up the stairs with ease. Taking each stair in only one giant step. You are going to be such a handful!

You love to look in the mirror when we ask “where’s Isaiah??” The “mirror” also includes the faucet in your bath where you actually look back at our reflection with that big gummy grin of yours!

Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face and laughter to my heart, son. You just make life so very magical.

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