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Six Month Old Isaiah


I’m loving this age. Each and every day with you comes with new discoveries.

Overall you are one very happy baby at home. When we come get you from your crib, you give us the biggest smiles and you kick your legs in excitement. It’s the best and most joyous greeting. Sometimes it’s a race or an argument on who gets to go get you up. You, kid, are so loved.

Admist all the busy-ness that you bring though, the calm sweet moments are some of my favorites as I know they are fleeting on your way to go-go-going! Like how you hold my wrist while I read books to you. Or how at the end of the day, just before you go to bed and as you are at the tail end of nursing, you stop eating and just stare at me with sleepy eyes. You stare at me until I smile at you. Your whole face lights up and we just stare at each other for a few brief moments before you go back to nursing. You may do this 3 or 4 times in a row but I melt every. Single. Time. Those sleepy last smiles of the day are becoming my new favorite thing. I want to freeze those moments and remember them forever.

Speaking of nursing, you require utmost silence to nurse. You give the dirtiest look to anyone who interrupts you eating. Even me! If I dare to try to take a sip of water.

Standing is your absolute favorite thing in the whole world. You stand up in our laps and open your mouth wide in happy wonderment saying “hey guys, look how big I am!”

FINALLY, we started you on solids just days before you turned 6 months. You weren’t totally sure about it (rice cereal), but you realized any food is food and you’re one hungry growing boy. From that very first time, you thought if you took the spoon from us that maybe you’d get fed faster too. We sure love out little Chunkers!

A few more things I want to remember:
– babbling has become very serious. You furrow your brow and talk with your hand very close to your mouth but only because talking is during a brief moment where your hand isn’t in your mouth
– everything you touch goes in your mouth. Especially your toes, to my absolute delight!
– first cold. Such a trooper. Smiled through coughing and runny noses
– loves blankets and all kinds of fabric
– sticks foot in my armpit while nursing

Family photos by Jessica Rose.

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